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Mon - Sun: 7AM - 9PM

Water adapts to any circumstance, it takes the form of what contains it, it is constantly changing.

When I find myself in front of a source, everything stops. Time and, with it, thoughts. As she flows I find peace, when it is quiet the sky is reflected with all its clouds and a thousand shades. You can reflect yourself on it, but what you see goes beyond the form.

At the waterfalls the deafening sound of falling on the rocks, near the river its flow and the lake with all its flowers and fish. In the form of rain falls in different ways to join the earth and quench her thirst, as thirst quenches us little men. With water there is a deep connection, since always, sometimes it fascinates and other times it is frightening, like our emotions.

The Swadhisthana Chakra, located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel, governs the fluids of our body. It is that centre where our maternal instinct, our vitality, our ability to adapt, is born. Moreover, here is born the ability to let flow, so as not to create stagnation, so as to continuously renew ourselves.

If the Swadhisthana Chakra is well balanced, then our vitality grows, our joy of living, our desire to create and love. On the contrary, if blocked, vitality diminishes, thus increasing apathy and depression.

Water is an element connected to the emotions and to our unconscious, just as the Swadhisthana Chakra is connected to pleasure and leads us towards it, both physically and emotionally, helping us to make our existence pleasant and fulfilling.

At The Warriors House we offer private and small group classes. To info and book:

The Yoga exercises I suggest for this Chakra are very simple and are all those that allow us to listen to ourselves, to breathe with the abdomen and expanding the pelvis, letting the changes happen within us, without judgment. The most suitable and complete sequence, which works on the pelvis area, is the Moon Salutation, Chandra Namaskar.

When the energy flows naturally throughout our body, the channels are free. So everything flows unconsciously. Like the water that, not for her strength, but for her constancy, digs the stone.

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