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Starting from the end to take a step back, to find a moment of relaxation. “Finding time” for ourself is not often easy but most of the time it’s just an excuse.

Lie flat on the back – time to rest the body – for a healthier and stronger one, so will the mind. Practice consciously with attention and intention.

Relax, spread out, with the arms a little away from the body, your palms facing up. The legs are slightly apart, allowing the feet to fall outward. The knees can remain bent, place a folded blanket or a cushion under them. Let your back be relaxed. Make the necessary adjustments, the head and spine should be in a straight line.

Relax. Relax your whole body, stop any physical movement, close your eyes and become aware of your natural, deep, rhythmic breathing… Relax!

Keep your mind aware, try not to fall asleep. Repeat your own mantra every inhalation, and exhalation. Soften your face, smile in your mind and belly… Let go any tension. For few minutes allow yourself to a deep relaxation, no action needs to be taken now. If the noise of the surrounding distracts you, observe your thoughts and return to your breath.

You are lying in Shavasana, the corpse pose. You are performing the hardest asana to master. Your body is melting into the earth.

Slowly became aware of your body, visualize the room you are in, take a deep breath in and exhale from the mouth, exhale all the toxins out. Keeping your eyes closed start moving your fingers, the legs join together, the arms lifted over your head – give yourself a nice stretch.

It’s time to get out of the pose, gently turn on your right side of the body and use your right arm as a pillow. Take another moment here, and when you feel ready, push yourself up in sitting position. Bend your head, bring the chin close to the chest, observe how you feel.

Thank you for taking a moment of rest. Thank you for reading the article.

Shavasana can be practiced before bed, after physical exercise, anytime during the day. In a space where you can’t be diturbed, remove any kind of jewel or the watch. If there is any music yuo like, play it and flow with it.

You might want to be guided in your relaxation, Kru Paolina is available for more advice or for an online session.

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